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Spicing up your coffee

The best way to wake up in the morning not yet awake, the eyes are barely open but we can already smell something. The scent of freshly brewed coffee. If we are lucky someone else has managed to wake up earlier and we are the lucky person stepping into the kitchen when coffee scent swirls around in the morning silence.

Yes, I, Carlotta can describe that without being a daily coffee drinker. Because I know it, I can feel it. The smell of freshly brewed coffee is like an addiction. It attracts people from all over the world. It awakes senses in your body that you didn't even know have existed. Coffee everywhere! Walking around in a new city usually leads you to a coffee shop. When the door opens and coffee sweetness comes out you are nearly forced to move a step into the cozy atmosphere. It's hard to resist. If it's on a winter stroll in a city, an afternoon hike in the mountains, a lazy morning at home, a rushing start at work, coffee brings you back to a still stand. You absorb. You taste and enjoy.

Sweeten your coffee without adding sugar But have you ever thought of spicing up your coffee? We did! With a sprinkle of our Ceylon cinnamon the coffee gets just the right amount of spicy sweetness.

Try it the next time you have your coffee. You can even bring our handy cinnamon bottles along to work.It will be worth it, I promise.

And to make it even more tropical, try drinking your coffee with fresh coconut milk. But with fresh, I mean fresh! Not from a packet. Made just like you can see in this YouTube video. Freshly squeezed coconut scrapes turning into coconut milk! ?? And now enjoy your day, week or night and dream about your coffee with cinnamon topping! What do you think about coffee toppings? Do you think we should add a coffee topping spice mix to our spice range? Maybe a mix of cardamom, cinnamon, cocoa and nutmeg?



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